led chaser

led chaser circuit ||  led runner || decoration lights || decorative lights || DIY

electronic kit here

Things required:
1. breadboard
2. 9v battery with pin
3. CD4017 IC
4. 555 timer IC
5. 1K resistors (x2)
6. 0.01uF capacitors (x2)
7. leds (x10)
8. 4.7uf - 100uF capacitor ( any one )
9. connectors
10. 10K trimpot (502 W written on top)

This is a little complex circuit to understand. Higher the value of assorted capacitor lower the speed. If you want to build a 10 LED Chaser circuit we suggest this circuit first. It uses popular IC is a simple and affordable IC-4017_decade counter and IC-555.


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