Counter circuit

Counter Circuit

Things required:
*4026 IC
*Seven segment LED display (common cathode)
*100 ohm resistors
*astable multivibrator circuit.

 We use counters everywhere, every time. Right from when we wake up to the time when we set a timer in our oven to cook our dinner.

The major work of counter is of course, counting. (duh!) So, what do we count?

1.       Time
2.      Electronic Pulses (From some external source e.g. infrared light)

The simple application of time counting can be listed as follows.

·         Alarm clock. (Remember, when you sleep with an alarm clock besides your pillow?)
·         Set an AC timer. Counter again!
·         Set a timer for taking picture, of your group, in your camera. Counter again! 
·         Flashing indicator lights of your vehicle. Counter again!



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